Monday, July 29, 2013

Pinterest Bug

I've watched too many home design shows and like most of the nation, I'm hooked. But Pinterest was the final piece of the puzzle. Having a place to pin my favorite images and link to good sites has given my daydreams incredible ooomph. You can find me here.

I never thought of myself as particularly crafty but every year I become more interested in doing things myself. And let's face it, creativity is expressed in a thousand different ways. I'm hoping creativity begets creativity. 

Or maybe I'm just a newly published author nesting in her private little space. 

Like most middle schoolers in the 80s, I took home-ec. Growing up with my mom, I knew how to set a formal table and do basic cooking so the class was a piece of cake. The sewing half of the year was not. I didn't have the patience for sewing. Or maybe I was just a typical teenager who quit anything a little bit hard.

When I bought my first house, I also made my first curtains. All were very simple designs but I enjoyed the making. 

I visited IKEA regularly for years. Partly because I loved assembling the various pieces of furniture. Cheap and you feel like you're accomplishing something? Cool! But the greatest thing about IKEA? You can leave it all behind when you divorce. 

I hung on to a few real pieces of furniture, though. The ugly, mismatched bits that needed work. 

And now it's time to make them beautiful. 

It's time to spend energy crafting my writing space. I'm excited and have dedicated an entire page to just this topic. Please join me as I take on sewing, DIY solutions, and testing if these things are as easy as all the DIY bloggers and HGTV hosts say.

First projects:

Teapots, yes! Rainbows, no.
Pitiful but full of Pint-sized Potential