For several years, I wrestled with writing just as I did with the lamp. Once again, I knew what I wanted but not how to do it. There are all kinds of blogs, tips, and books about how best to accomplish my task but capturing my vision was solely up to me. That meant spray painting three times too many. That meant flopping on the bed in my husband's office and declaring that, "I SUCK" because there are DRIPS. Stoopid writer held the spray can too close in order to cover the botched antiquing. NOOB!
My husband was a little fed-up with my drama so I pouted. My frustration was real even if he thought my project looked good because I wasn't achieving my vision. I wanted that moment of squeal when it's just right.
While I clearly still struggle with crafts, I enjoyed finishing a draft of my next book, The Anonymous Blog of Mrs. Jones. I used the technigues and truths I learned with Strong Enough and completed a good draft of my new novella in a month.
So I reminded myself, that's how you achieve that moment of "just right." You don't quit. You invest. You go, go, go and eventually, you learn how to avoid the drips.
When I finished Strong Enough, this was my outlook:
I finally have a taste of motherhood. See, I have to take my novel to school followed by three or four after school activities each day. Don't even start on weekends. And I'm one of those who used to enjoy luxurious evenings with my blu-ray player or a book. To spend a weekend on the couch or inbed was a treat that I now realize I indulged in all the time!!!!
I didn't quit writing Strong Enough despite having no idea what I was doing. Juggling the next phase of being an author has come easier than I expected. Not because it's actually easier. It's because I won't take no for an answer.
Here's a new review of Strong Enough on
And here's a link to my rock novel:
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